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Braving Uncertainty - banner.jpg

Real World Change

Maps for the journey


Real World Change

Maps for the journey

Change, Uncertainty and Unknowing

The ability to adapt to change is fundamental to the success of individuals and businesses. A reaction to change, be it physical or psychological, is perfectly normal. We all react to change, we have a range of reactions, and we are all different. Some like change; they thrive on new ideas and challenges. Others don't like change; those people thrive on stability and familiarity. We all have to learn how to help ourselves and our colleagues understand the forces of change; and discovering how to utilise all reactions in a positive way will enable us to manage change effectively, allowing us to enrol others and minimise waste time and effort while getting into action moving forward.

Change isn’t just good old 'change' any more. The level of uncertainty and chaos in life has increased. Time is getting shorter and shorter. It used to be we could expect change in fairly predictable time frames; there were births and deaths in the family, a mid-life crisis happened at forty, the occasional business failed. To an extent that is still the story and handling those issues of change, transition and transformation eventually pass and we get on with the next phase of our lives.

But change is changing – we are caught up in the awareness that everything is not what it seems, events are happening too fast for us to keep up with. It is time to think further about how we perceive and measure change and make the most of our experience in this rapid, ever shifting context – there is much to be explored. 


Why 'Executive Arts'?

Why 'Executive Arts'?

The 'Executive' in Executive Arts refers to the character within each of us who has the ability to choose a new path for our self. In industry it is at the executive level that strategic decisions are formed, made and directed. Good executives are called on to break corporate habits, take a bet on new technology or markets, restructure and inspire their population of managers and workers to abandon some, or much, of what they know and set off on an uncertain course. The executive within must be capable of managing the inner call to a new direction, directing the unlearning and learning, and redesigning from an 'idea' through to 'possibility' and on to 'achievement'. This is an art more than a science. Hence Executive Arts.

The Executive Arts embrace learning, design and transformation as one energising process rather than three separate elements in a commonly compartmentalised world.

The Executive Arts are taught through a family of maps that each require both spatial and linear thinking in equal measure, to generate creative material and capture it in a way which is transformational. The Executive Arts disciplines were created by Jim Ewing and have been used by hundreds of individuals and organisational groups. They are a succinct and unique way to get 'answers' and effective action in challenging times of change.


Training & Licensing

Training & Licensing

Executive Arts works with licensed practitioners trained in our family of maps. The purpose of licensing is both to pay attention to the value and integrity of the maps in practice, and to provide a dedicated infrastructure to support licensed practitioners and help them gain the full potential from these resources. The infrastructure includes training and workshop materials, online resources, access to expertise, plus enrolment into a community of practice.

The licence fee is a one-off lifetime payment. There are two levels of practitioner:

  • Facilitators, either within organisations or as external consultants, may use the maps with others to guide them through change.
  • Trainers are able to train Facilitators.

Licensed practitioners are encouraged to develop a familiarity with the complete 'Transition Tools' suite (i.e. TransforMAP, Implemento, Impacto and Stucco) and the Insight Cycle that links and connects them. A key aspect of the process for practitioners who will be working across multiple organisations is in diagnosis, i.e. being able to identify which map to use in client engagements, understanding the links between the maps, and integrating the maps into their practice alongside the other tools, techniques and methodologies that they use. Facilitators can also be trained and licensed in individual maps if required.

If you would like to discuss your requirements with us, please get in touch.


The Maps

The Maps

Our practitioners work with individuals and organisations to develop capabilities through training and coaching in our family of maps. These enable us to create a pathway to clear thinking and great relationships. The first work is to diagnose the effects of change by looking systemically at the circumstance, exploring what the real issues may be to identify the most appropriate way to move forward.

Working with Underlying Assumptions and Beliefs


TransforMAP is a guide for making headway through the uncertainty, confusing feelings and conflicting thoughts which accompany significant change.

Designing For Implementation


Implemento can be used to design action plans that confront reality, engage resistance and provide 'hindsight in advance'.

Working with Key Influences


Impacto enables us to enrol people in the shortest possible time, clarify and address barriers, and deliver messages in a way that tests understanding and commitment.

Getting Circumstances Unstuck


Stucco brings fresh thinking to old problems, breaks out of vicious cycles, and helps us to know what to do when everything else we have tried has failed.

Realising a Transformative VIsion

EmpowerMAP guides and documents a multi-layered conversation, which centres us in an empowering vision to bring about lives and businesses we can learn from and inhabit at every moment.




The tools we worked through have certainly given me a different way of thinking about my own and others behaviours. Personally, I had a cathartic moment when my change was played back to me. I feel satisfied that I’m on the right pathway for our change journey.
— HR Manager, Australia
Many managers don’t open up conversations about change because they aren’t equipped to deal with the consequences of the conversation becoming difficult. This gives them a simple technique to use. I can see them grow in confidence in beginning the work which will then move the organisation forward.
— Communications & Change Lead, London
Historically I am fairly sceptical and cynical about the intent and process of ‘Change Courses’ but I can quite confidently say this has been the best I have attended in 10 years. I had an epiphany of sorts and am grateful to have been able to participate. I’m keen to put this stuff into action across all facets of my professional and personal life.
— Delegate feedback, via SurveyMonkey